Sunday, 28 November 2010

After all the excitement of the launch party, we've had to get down to the business of selling the singles.
We've been taking every opportunity, and the photos here were taken at a CHSW coffee morning and a TG coffee morning when a few of the fairies made a personal appearance and sold CDs. We've persuaded shops in Bath and Bristol to take some records to sell, Claire
has got the single on to the jukebox at her local club, and the Combe Grove Manor Country Club has taken a box of singles too. So we're hoping people will spot them and buy.
Mum and I are going to Radio Bristol on Tuesday to talk about the record, and I'm still pursuing the Western Daily Press and Points West. We're doing all we can to get the news out there and persuade people to buy. The money is coming in nicely, but it will never be enough, so we'll keep at it!

Monday, 15 November 2010

We had a fantastic launch party on Saturday. Some of the photos are on the website, but not this one, which is of Tess our brilliant video producer and website organiser. She thought because she is now in charge of the website that she could leave out her photograph, but she forgot that this is my blog! She worked really hard on the video , the website and everything, and took lots of photos on Saturday, so I think she deserves to be included. I don't know how we could have done all this without her.
We also couldn't have done anything at all without Pete Young, who wrote the song, and he is on the website hding behind a big white beard and a keyboard. Thanks Pete! And the cheeky elf is one of the record producers, Alan Maskell, who did a great job both on the record and with some live music for the party. the fairies, you see, are so shy they can't perform in public!
They weren't so shy with the Mayor though, as you can see from the photos if you check them out on the website. I don't think the Mayor knew quite what to make of it all but he was a really great sport and made the evening quite special.

So now the record is out there, and we have to work hard to sell lots of copies, so that we can raise money for the Children's Hospice. We're off to a good start after Saturday though.

Monday, 8 November 2010

So, just a few days to go until the launch party. The record is done, and the CDs should arrive any day. The video is done, and will be on You Tube for the launch. An X-factor style trailer should be on You Tube tomorrow.
I've sent out press releases to the local papers, radio and TV. I've managed to get a local shop to agree to stock the record and put a poster in their window. The Children's Hospice people are also putting out press releases.
So now we can look forward to partying!