Sunday, 25 April 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
Want to help?
-Camera man or woman (and someone who would be able to advise us on the best equipment for the job)
-‘Making of’ video director/camera/edit (with own equipment, who can get on unnoticed and make a record of the day) We hope to have this as a viral on you tube.
-Runner (someone with on set experience who can help out where necessary)
We are also looking for sponsorship from a company for camera and equipment hire for the day, and possibly another day soon after if needed. There will be filmed credits at the end of the video. It will be available to buy on itunes and for sale at local stores on CD.
This is a ‘no budget’ film, but we will do our best to provide food and transport for the day. Filming will be at one location in Bath.
If you are interested please email Tessa and Shirley
Please send us any links to previous work/Showreel.
Thank you!
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Had a great day storyboarding for the video to go with the charity single. We want it to be funny, with lots of jokes all the way through like Wallace and Grommit, so it's been a lot of fun thinking of visual jokes and puns and little things to put in the backgrounds as well as the actual action of the video. Filming begins in June, but there's lots of work to do before then, and a huge list of props to write next!
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
there is a script meeting on Thursday, and I'm looking forward to that, Received a fat envelope full of very funny ideas from one fairy this morning that had me laughing out loud.